Reservation fee is paid to gain exclusive rights to buy a Stonebridge Estates property, under certain conditions and at an agreed price. It is deductible from the downpayment requirement and will hold the unit under the client’s name for thirty days, or until the first downpayment is made.
Reservation fee is Php 20,000.00 for all models.
You may pay through checks in the name of Sun and Earth Homes Corporation.
Reservation Fee is strictly non-refundable.
Yes, only if the same buyer is transferring to another available property. Transfer fee is Php 10,000. Terms and conditions apply.
Reservation can be cancelled on the following grounds:
Downpayment (also called equity) is a fixed percentage of the Total Contract Price (TCP) that needs to be paid. It can be paid on a monthly installment at zero interest scheme for the allowable payment period.
Monthly downpayment shall be paid strictly through post-dated checks (PDC) in favor of Sun and Earth Homes Corporation. Non-submission of PDC for downpayment shall also correspond to non-compliance with requirements.
The start of monthly downpayment will depend on the date of reservation.
The first downpayment must also be dated on said due dates. PDCs for the entire Equity must be submitted to Sun and Earth Homes Corporation on or before the start of the first downpayment.
You are required to assign a family member who is based in the Philippines as your Attorney-in Fact (AIF). The AIF can issue the PDCs required for the monthly downpayment in behalf of the client abroad.
All payments paid to the developer is strictly non-refundable. In case of account cancellation, all payments made on the account cannot be refunded as indicated in the Contract to Sell (with the exception of the Maceda Law).
100% Total Contract Price (TCP) is paid within the reservation month or within 30 days from reservation date. A 5% discount will be applied for Spot Cash payments that are made in full
Minimum 10% Downpayment of the TCP and 90% balance to be loaned thru our accredited banks: : BDO, Security Bank, AUB, and China Bank.
List of Bank Financing Qualifications and Requirements.
Accepted with minimum 20% downpayment which may be higher depending on the property selected. Computation for the required Pag-IBIG equity and terms will be provided by your sales agent.
You can move in upon completion of your home’s construction.
Your home will be ready upon loan release/take-out and payment of move-in fees.
NDI is the maximum amount that can be amortized. Your monthly amortization must be equal or less than the NDI or Salary Requirement amount.
NDI can be determined by this basic formula: NDI = Gross Monthly Income x 0.30 (Credit Ratio may vary depending on employment.)
You (and your spouse) may declare the following provided it has supporting documents:
We have no hidden charges.
Yes, the processing fee or legal miscellaneous fee is included in the Total Contract Price.
If the property price has reached standard BIR revenue regulation for real estate properties, the 12% VAT is already included.
A move-in fee of Php 20,000 will be required after the last equity payment.
Sun & Earth Homes will process this for the account of the buyer following payment of move-in fees.
HOA dues depend on each project. Please refer to the individual project for HOA dues.
Schedule your property viewing.
Book an exclusive property viewing of your preferred model with our property consultant. To schedule an appointment, you may contact (+63) 917-650-5391 or click here.
For overseas-based clients, you may request for your family or representative to have the viewing on your behalf.
Reserve your unit.
You can reserve your unit at the property viewing. Simply fill out the forms provided by your property consultant and submit the following requirements on or before the agreed upon submission date:
Submit reservation requirements.
Personal and documentary requirements must be submitted within 30 – 60 days from the date of reservation. List of requirements.
Complete downpayment.
Payment is made through post-dated checks payable to Sun and Earth Homes Corporation.
Move in your new home.
After downpayment, unit construction, and approval of loan application (for bank financing), a unit inspection will be done. If no additional builds are needed, you can move in.